Monday, November 24, 2008

Photography helps people to see.

I'm way too tired to write anything of real importance right now. But hey, I've practically got a day off from school tomorrow! Lllove it. I'm so going to sleep late.

We've been having a class on photography for the past week. It's like plunging into an endlessly deep abyss of cold water for me - a week ago I knew practically NOTHING about cameras. Sure I've played around with them before, but they were never this good or full of technical things that I should know before I start shooting..! I'm such a novice, but enjoying the camera and discovering new things. These photographs are nothing special, just experimenting, but I thought I'd show them anyway :)

I don't know if Tuppo was too delighted that I kept taking shots of him, but at least he didn't seem to mind too much. He's probably the easiest animal to photograph I know, yet I can't seem to get decent shots of him. My fail, there.

I should retouch a typography poster tomorrow, maybe I'll post it here along with some sketches once I get it done :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

If wisdom grew in trees, you would be a bush.

This sentence sums up my last couple of weeks - what I should have been doing was branding Finland for a class, but what I have been doing would be not much at all. So now I'll have to rush the presentation together tomorrow and the day after that.

Good things are coming, however, since I'm getting on a cruise to Stockholm on thursday <3 If I only get through these couple of days...

On with the sketches!

Some sketches for something that might or might not come to look like these at all. I bet you found that sentence very informative.

Aaand a sketchdump for things I've done lately. There would be a couple of foxes and a raven from the museum of natural history, then among more random sketches my entries for Dear Day's subject "Halloween" and Paper: Blank's subject "You are what the french call...".